Source code for ProtParCon.utilities

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Common utility functions for various iParCon submodules.

import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import logging

from io import StringIO
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict

from Bio import Phylo, AlignIO

LEVEL = logging.INFO

HANDLERS = [logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)]
    HANDLERS.append(logging.FileHandler(filename=LOGFILE, mode=LOGFILEMODE))

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', handlers=HANDLERS, level=LEVEL)

logger = logging.getLogger('[iMC]')
warn, info, error = logger.warning,, logger.error

ENDINGS = ['fa', 'fan', 'fas', 'fasta', 'aln', 'clustal', 'clu',
           'phy', 'phylip',  'phylip-relaxed', 'phylip-sequential',
           'stockholm', 'mauve',  'mau', 'emboss', 'emb',
           'nex', 'nexus', 'maf', 'xmfa',
           'newick', 'new',
           'text', 'tsv']
MODEL = namedtuple('model', 'name frequency gamma rates invp type')

[docs]def basename(name): """ Removing file extension, if the extension is in ENDINGS. :param name: str, a filename. :return: str, filename without known extensions for tsv, txt, FASTA, and NEWICK as well as some alignment format files. """ if '.' in name: names = name.split('.') if names[-1].lower() in ENDINGS: return '.'.join(names[:-1]) else: return name else: return name
[docs]def modeling(model): """ Parse evolutionary model. The model needs to be in the format of MODEL+<FreqType>+<RateType> or a model (text) file, where MODEL is a model name (e.g. JTT, WAG, ...), FreqType is how the model will handle amino acid frequency (e.g. F, FO, or FQ), and RateType is the rate heterogeneity type. Protein mixture models are not supported. :param model: str, name of the model a pathname to the model file. :return: namedtuple, in the order of name, frequency, gamma, rates, invp, and type. """ if os.path.isfile(model): return MODEL(os.path.abspath(model), 'empirical', 0, 0, 0, 'custom') else: name = model.split('+', 1)[0] invprop ='\+I[+]*', model) invprop = 'estimate' if invprop else 0 gamma ='\+G([0-9])*\+*', model) gamma = int( if gamma else 0 frequency ='\+(F[OQ]?)\+*', model) if frequency: fs = {'F': 'empirical', 'FO': 'estimate', 'FQ': 'equal'} frequency = fs.get(, 'empirical') else: frequency = 'empirical' rates ='\+R([0-9])*\+*', model) rates = int( if rates else 0 return MODEL(name, frequency, gamma, rates, invprop, 'builtin')
[docs]class Tree(object): def __init__(self, tree, leave=False): """ A class handles phylogenetic trees. :param tree: str, a newick tree file or tree string (must start with '(' and end with ';'). :param leave: bool, whether exit the process or not once an error occurred. """ if isinstance(tree, str): if tree.startswith('(') and tree.endswith(';'): tree = StringIO(tree) elif os.path.isfile(tree): pass else: error('Invalid tree: {}, tree should be either a NEWICK format ' 'tree string or tree file.'.format(tree)) tree = None else: error('Invalid tree, tree should be a string.') tree = None if tree is None and leave: sys.exit(1) else: tree =, 'newick') if tree else None if tree: leaves = len([c for c in tree.find_clades() if c.is_terminal()]) nodes = len([c for c in tree.find_clades() if not c.is_terminal()]) length = sum([c.branch_length if c.branch_length else 0.0 for c in tree.find_clades()]) else: leaves, nodes, length = 0, 0, 0.0 self.tree = tree self.leaves = leaves self.nodes = nodes self.length = length
[docs] def string(self, ic=True, ic2name=False, nodes=False, brlen=True): """ Get a newick tree string for a tree after manipulating. :param ic: bool, whether to keep confidence of internal nodes. :param ic2name: whether to convert confidence of internal nodes to their names. :param nodes: bool, discard or keep name of internal nodes. :param brlen: bool, discard or keep branch lengths. :return: str, a newick tree string. """ s = '' if self.tree: tree = deepcopy(self.tree) else: return s n = self.leaves for clade in tree.find_clades(): if ic2name: if clade.confidence: if not clade.is_terminal() and not = str(clade.confidence) clade.confidence = None if not ic: clade.confidence = None if nodes: clade.confidence = None if not clade.is_terminal() and not = 'NODE{}'.format(n) n += 1 else: if ic2name: pass else: if and not clade.is_terminal(): = None if not brlen: clade.branch_length = 0.0 s = tree.format('newick').strip() # Remove branch length if brlen set to False if not brlen: s = re.sub(r':0\.\d+', '', s) # Remove branch lengths if only unscaled tree (topology) was given if not self.length: s = re.sub(r':0\.\d+', '', s) return s
[docs] def file(self, filename, ic=True, ic2name=False, nodes=False, brlen=True): """ Write a tree to a file after manipulating. :param filename: str, the name of the tree output file :param ic: bool, whether to keep confidence of internal nodes. :param ic2name: whether to convert confidence of internal nodes to their names. :param nodes: bool, discard or keep name of internal nodes. :param brlen: bool, discard or keep branch lengths. :return: str, a newick tree string. """ s = self.string(ic=ic, ic2name=ic2name, nodes=nodes, brlen=brlen) try: with open(filename, 'w') as o: o.write('{}\n'.format(s)) except IOError as err: error(err) return filename
[docs]def trim(msa, fmt='fasta', outfile='', verbose=False): """ Remove gaps and ambiguous characters from protein multiple sequence alignment (MSA) file or a dictionary object of MSA records. :param msa: str or dict, pathname of the protein (MSA) multiple sequence alignment file or a dictionary object of of MSA records. :param fmt: format of the MSA file, if msa is the pathname of a MSA file. :param outfile: pathname for saving trimmed MSA to a file, if not set, trimmed sequences will only be returned without saving to a file. :param verbose: bool, invoke verbose or silent process mode, default: False, silent mode. :return: dict, trimmed MSA in a dictionary. .. note:: Ambiguous characters (characters not in ARNDCQEGHILKMFPSTWYV) will be treated as gaps and removed. The trimmed alignment file will be saved to outfile in FASTA format if outfile is not a empty string and there are sites left after trimming. Whether the outfile is set or not, `trim()` always returns trimmed MSA in a dictionary (even a empty dict). Careful with PHYLIP format MSA files, `trim()` use `Bio.AlignIO` to read MSA file, users are responsible for given the right name for PHYLIP format files, e.g. phylip-relaxed or phylip-sequential. """ level = logging.INFO if verbose else logging.ERROR logger.setLevel(level) if isinstance(msa, str): if not os.path.isfile(msa): error('Alignment {} is not a file or does not exist.'.format(msa)) sys.exit(1) try: records =, fmt) except ValueError: error('Alignment {} contains non equal length sequences.'.format( msa)) sys.exit(1) length, label = records.get_alignment_length(), msa records = { a.seq for a in records} elif isinstance(msa, dict): length = list(set([len(v) for v in msa.values()])) if not len(length) == 1: error('Alignment object contains non equal length sequences.') sys.exit(1) length, label = length[0], 'alignment record' records = msa else: error('Invalid msa for trimming, msa should be a pathname of MSA file' 'or a dictionary object of sequence name and sequence pairs.') sys.exit(1) info('Trimming gaps and ambiguous characters for {}'.format(label)) trimmed = defaultdict(list) for i in range(length): column = set([s[i] for s in records.values()]) if column.issubset(AMINO_ACIDS): for k, v in records.items(): trimmed[k].append(v[i]) if all(trimmed.values()): trimmed = {k: ''.join(v) for k, v in trimmed.items()} if outfile: try: with open(outfile, 'w') as o: o.writelines('>{}\n{}\n'.format(k, v) for k, v in trimmed.items()) except IOError: outfile = '' warn('IOError, failed to save trimmed alignment.') else: trimmed = {} warn('Successfully removed all gaps and ambiguous characters, but ' 'no site was left after trimming.') if outfile: warn('No trimmed alignment was saved.') outfile = '' return trimmed, outfile
def indent(text, prefix, predicate=None): """ A copy of textwrap.indent() method introduce in Python 3.3. """ if predicate is None: def predicate(line): return line.strip() def prefixed_lines(): for line in text.splitlines(True): yield (prefix + line if predicate(line) else line) return ''.join(prefixed_lines()) if __name__ == '__main__': pass